…in the beginning

After disco and Hi-NRG almost killed us and when "Wimmin's Music" didn't speak to us and before there was riot grrrl queer punk kids listened to a short-lived genre called homocore.  Which then got changed to queercore for obvious reasons.  And one of the places that homocore was birthed was in Toronto.  For those who are so inclined, it stands to reason that a publication about such an awesome movement in queer/musical zirstory might be titled Homocore Toronto.  And so it was.

Neon Angels on the Road To Ruin

"Highways hard in this modern world | Battered boys and shattered girls"
Not Your Bitch #5 is riot grrrl raucous, smart and angry, and that perfect-for-right-now feminist slice of 1995.  With reviews of zines by Nomy Lamm, an Ani DiFranco album, and stories of graffiti-ing bathroom stalls with menstruel blood, what mor coud you ask for?

Femme Sharks Take Over the World

More than just a manifesto, the Femme Shark Communique #1 is a guide to being a Femme Shark.  It's fierce as fuck. 


Shark Chants
When I Say Femme You Say Shark!
When I Say Femme, You Say Power!
When I Say Finger, You Say Bang !
Femme Sharks Want Justice! And We Want To Get Banged!
All My Holes Are Hungry! Hungry For Justice And Fucking!
Femme Sharks Hate Israel! A Lot! It Sucks!
My Pussy! I Got One! Do You Want To Fuck It? Yeah!
Femme Sharks Love Studs!
Femme Sharks Love Our Transisters!
Femme Sharks Strap It On!
Femme Sharks Say Fuck Colonialism!
When I Say Femme You Say Power!
Femme! Power! Femme! Power !
When I Say Femme, You Say Shark!
When I Say Finger, You Say Bang!
Femme Sharks Love Fat Girls! Femme Sharks Are Fat Girls!


Back To School!

Monday means back to work, back to school.  If that sounds like a bummer, why don't you tag along with us to Fag School?  It's silly and dirty and gritty and filled with good things like band interviews and naked mens and reviews and real talk about being a go-go boy.

It’s Not All Punk Rock and Safety Pins

Like the title says, it's *NOT* all punk rock and safety pins.  Sometimes queer zines are about faded celebrities and xeroxed cocks.  One fine example is Susan Mini Mag #2.  In addition to the penii, SMM#2 has a lovely k.d. lang pin-up page, the titular tributes to Susan Dey, and a page of cute puppies!  There's something for everyone without being fun for the whole family.

Susan Mini Mag #2

Get QZAP Swag!!