Zines are great. Obviously… but for many different reasons. One of the reasons is that zines can be dangerous. Subvursive. Dirty and devious and delicious. Like The Volcano #3…
New zines from SWOU
The nice folks at Sex Workers Open University in London sent us some zines, including a copy of Trans Rentboys: Love Don’t Pay the Rent in both English and French. You can find them all here.
Moving Forward
It’s taken about a year, but we’ve finally made it through the transfer of 400+ zines from our old archive software to the new system at archive.qzap.org. We’re happy to announce that we’re finally adding “new” zines to the digital archive… Starting with S.C.A.B. from 1988.
From the Punked Out Archives…
We are pleased to announce the release of our new QZAP zine From the Punked Out Files of the Queer Zine Archive Project. It is the product of the QZAP 2014 summer residency project. Last summer we invited a number of zine makers, scholars, and archivists to spend time within our physical space, reading and researching. This is the outcome.
Including work by Rachael House, Jude Vachon, Joshua Burford, Elvis Bakaitis and Kelly McElroy, the zine is 60 pages of short articles, comics, cut-n-paste and mad libs. We have copies available for sale.
Help Us Catalog
Want to help QZAP with cataloging?
After you read a zine in our archive, you can fill out the form below and add missing metadata and suggest keywords. These elements are finding aids, and are helpful for everyone trying to explore the archive.
Zine Donation Form
Got a queer zine you want to donate to us? Please fill out the form below, and include as much info as you can. This will help us to better catalog the zines and make it so that your zine can be found by others.
After you’ve filled out the form, please print a copy of the output (which will also be emailed to you) and include it with the zine. Donations can be sent to:
- 2935 N. Fratney St.
- Milwaukee, WI
- 53212
If you have a larger collection of zines(+15), please contact us! We’re happy to take on whole queer zine collections, but will want to set something special with you.
Zine Donation Form
Going to 11
As we get closer to our 11th birthday (on November 3rd) we’re pleased to announce that our new digital archive is online. We’ve been working on this for the past two years, and while there are a few kinks to work out, it’s mostly ready-for-prime-time. Because it’s been such a huge undertaking we’ve moved it it it’s own server at archive.qzap.org.
The number of changes is huge, but most importantly (to us, at least) is the way that Archive deals with metadata. For each zine you’ll now be able to click on the elements like place, creator, or keywords to explore other zines in the collection.
Over the next couple of weeks we’ll finish migrating the last of the zines (we’ve gotten 80% of them moved and updated) and start adding new ones.
We’ll be keeping this site running as a blog and calendar, etc. and hopefully updating it with much more frequency.
With many hugs and more queer zines,
Rainbow Flag Drive
QZAP is working with our technology partners at Open Flows to collect rainbow flags for Kouraj in Haiti.
As you celebrate queer/lgbt pride this month, please think about picking up a couple of extra cloth rainbow flags and sending them to us at QZAP. We’ll get them to the awesome folks at Open Flows, and they’ll get them to Kouraj.
QZAP 2935 N. Fratney St. Milwaukee, WI 53212 USA
Let’s help these activists celebrate THEIR strength and pride!
#MoFemmeBer | Frickstarter 2
Sign up here: http://tiny.cc/mofemmeber14 so we can send you emails throughout MoFemmeBer, and add you to the list of participants.
Fill out the top of this handy form.
Ask your friends and family to sponsor you as you read. Folks can pledge an amount per zine, or a flat donation.
Read queer zines! They don’t have to be from the QZAP Archive. Check in with your friendly distros and/or local zine libraries, too. Keep track of each one you read on the back of the handy form.
- At the end of December, calculate how many zines you’ve read, and follow up with your sponsors. Collect the money* and send it to QZAP along with the handy form:
MoFemmeBer QZAP
2935 N. Fratney St.
Milwaukee, WI

Where do the funds go?
Archiving! This summer we launched our new digital archive at archive.qzap.org, The new site has much improved search, faceted browsing, and allows us to create digital exhibits, so we’ll be able to highlight and present queer zines in totally different ways. As a result, our web hosting fees have trippled in the past year.
Operating expenses for QZAP HQ. The physical collection has moved into its own space and we need a bit every month to cover utilities and maintenance. We estimate those expenses to be about $100/mo. With this move we are able to host researchers and visitors, put on small workshops, and expand our collection.
Office supplies. We’ve grown from our initial collection of about 300 queer zines to upwards of 1200, with more coming in all the time. We need to get more hanging files to house them all, and also need the various and sundry tools of the craft (staples, pencils, and glue sticks)
Propaganda. We want to put out more issues of QZAP:meta and print more regularly new batches of postcards, t-shirts, and buttons. Over the years we’ve seen great pictures of our “Zinesters Do It On The Photocopier” stickers at zine libraries around the world. We want to make more like that.
If MoFemmeBer isn’t your thing but you still want to help, also re-doing our Frickstarter campaign. Instead of using a third-party system like Kickstarter or IndieGoGo, we have decided to DIY the shit out of this fundraiser. To encourage your support, you can make a donation in different ways and we will offer premiums to give away. If we meet our goals we win, but if we miss we’re still going to be able to get stuff done and you’ll be supporting QZAP no matter what.
Donation Range | Premium |
$5-10 | 3 of our cool buttons |
$10-25 | All of our buttons and copies of zines made by collective members |
$25-35 | One of our “Circle-A Archivist” t-shirts |
$35-45 | One of our t-shirts, the buttons, and a zine |
$50-75 | 2 t-shirts (one for a friend, yo!), the buttons, and zines |
$100 | Same as above, plus something special (a numbered print, maybe?) |
$500-1000 |
We’ll travel to you (within the US and Canada) and put on an event, lead a workshop, make you dinner, and cat-sit if necessary. |
Want to make a donation? Here’s how:
- Well-concealed cash.
- How about a gift card? If you want to help us with specific endeavors, you might send us a prepaid card for Office Depot, Office Max, Staples, Utrecht, or Digicopy. For general purchases, a “non-reloadable prepaid” credit card (such as a Visa Gift Card) allows us to make on-line or in person purchases of needed supplies and materials.
- PayPal – PP takes a little bite out of every transaction, but it works well and is secure. Use the link below.
- In-Kind Donation: In lieu of cash, do you have anything you’d like to give or donate outright to QZAP? Ask us if it’s on our list of needs.
Via Mail:
QZAP Frickstarter
2935 N. Fratney St.
Milwaukee, WI 53212
What The Frick?
QZAP Frick-starter
$1,130 by August 1
$2,260 by November 1
Why those random numbers, you ask? Because on November 3, 2013, QZAP will be 10 years old! In that time we've been going strong and while our financial needs are modest, most of our expenditures are out-of-pocket from the collective members. This project started as a labor of love, and it certainly remains that. If you find QZAP useful, consider contributing a little back to help us thrive.
What your donations help QZAP achieve:
1) Operating expenses for QZAP HQ. The physical collection has moved into its own space and we need a bit every month to cover utilities and maintenance. We estimate those expenses to be about $100/mo. With this move we are able to host researchers and visitors, put on small workshops, and expand our collection.
2) Archiving! We're on the cusp of launching a new digital archive , completely revamping the current web site and making it much more amazing. The new site has much improved search, faceted browsing, and allows us to create digital exhibits, so we'll be able to highlight and present queer zines in totally different ways.
3) Office supplies. We've grown from our initial collection of about 300 queer zines to upwards of 1200, with more coming in all the time. We need to get more hanging files to house them all, and also need the various and sundry tools of the craft (staples, pencils, and glue sticks).
4) Propaganda. We want to put out more issues of QZAP:meta and print more regularly new batches of postcards, t-shirts, and buttons. Over the years we've seen great pictures of our "Zinesters Do It On The Photocopier" stickers at zine libraries around the world. We want to make more like that.
How will this work? Instead of using a third-party system like Kickstarter or IndieGoGo, we have decided to DIY the shit out of this fundraiser. To encourage your support, you can make a donation in different ways and we will offer premiums to give away. If we meet our goals we win, but if we miss we're still going to be able to get stuff done and you'll be supporting QZAP no matter what.
Donation Range | Premium |
$2-5 | One of our cool QZAP buttons |
$5-10 | 3 of our cool buttons |
$10-25 | All of our buttons and copies of zines made by collective members |
$25-35 | One of our "Read Queer Zines" t-shirts |
$35-45 | One of our t-shirts, the buttons, and a zine |
$50-75 | 2 t-shirts (one for a friend, yo!), the buttons, and zines |
$100 | Same as above, plus something special (a numbered print, maybe?) |
$500-1000 |
We'll travel to you (within the US and Canada) and put on an event, lead a workshop, make you dinner, and cat-sit if necessary. |
Want to make a donation? Here's how:
- Well-concealed cash.
- How about a gift card? If you want to help us with specific endeavors, you might send us a prepaid card for Office Depot, Office Max, Staples, Utrecht, or Digicopy. For general purchases, a "non-reloadable prepaid" credit card (such as a Visa Gift Card) allows us to make on-line or in person purchases of needed supplies and materials.
- PayPal – PP takes a little bite out of every transaction, but it works well and is secure. Use the link below.
- In-Kind Donation: In lieu of cash, do you have anything you'd like to give or donate outright to QZAP? Ask us if it's on our list of needs.
Via Mail:
QZAP Frickstarter 2
2935 N. Fratney St.
Milwaukee, WI 53212