Zine Donation Form

Got a queer zine you want to donate to us?  Please fill out the form below, and include as much info as you can.  This will help us to better catalog the zines and make it so that your zine can be found by others.

After you’ve filled out the form, please print a copy of the output (which will also be emailed to you) and include it with the zine.  Donations can be sent to:

  • QZAP
  • 2935 N. Fratney St.
  • Milwaukee, WI
  • 53212
  • USA


If you have a larger collection of zines(+15), please contact us!  We’re happy to take on whole queer zine collections, but will want to set something special with you.

Zine Donation Form


Get QZAP Swag!!