Have you made friends through zines?
As someone who’s made many friendships through zines, from close friends to far-flung penpals to passing but delightful acquaintances, Lee is putting together a zine about zines and zine community as a way that people build and maintain friendships, and they’d like to hear about other people’s answers to any of the questions below (no need to answer all of them), or any other thoughts & memories you have about meeting people via zines:
Who is the closest friend youâve made through zines?
What is your first memory of making friends through zines?
How are the friendships youâve made through zines different from the friendships youâve made in other ways?
What other memorable personal connections have you made through zines? Dates? Jobs? Roommates?Enemies??
When you read a zine you like, do you get in touch with the person who wrote it?Â
If youâve been in zine worlds for a while (like a decade or more), how have the ways you make and sustain zine friendships changed over the years?
Reply to lee@sheerspite.ca! They will happily send print or PDF contributor copies to anyone who replies, and if they’re going to refer to something you’ve said, they’ll check in with you about it before it goes to print.
~please share!~