Classy Lassies

Every once in a while we feel the need to shake off our regular lives and move in different circles.  Sometimes it's challenging to even contemplate how to do it, though.  When that's the case, finding a guide can be very helpful.  Several years ago just such a guide was sent to us, and and we here at QZAP find it invaluable.  So it is with great pleasure that we present The SPPSSM Guide To Proper Saphic Styling by Beatrice Llewllyn and Phyllis Troubridge. Mses. Llewllyn and Troubridge are founding members of SPPSSM, the Society for the Preservation and Promotion of Sapphic Social Mores.  Their sound advice has graced many a Femme Show performance, and has been an enhancement to the lives of numerous saphists over the years.

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