500 Zines and Counting

Archive.qzap.org has 500 zines and bits of ephemera in it.  Our 500th record is a zine out of Boston called Rock Against Sexism.  This it the 4th issue, from 1992.  It’s got a ton of interviews, a discussion about Political Correctness (funny, we’re having similar discussions almost 25 years later), zine reviews, and a report back from an ACT UP/Boston fundraiser

Support our Strange Sisters

Early last week, our sister zine library, the Papercut Zine Library, got flooded and hundreds of zines got water damaged.  They’re trying to raise the funds to get them moved to the proper facilities.  Needless to say that this is a nightmare, especially for smaller “barefoot” and independant zine libraries like QZAP and Papercut.  We hate to ask, and we pretty much suck at doing fundraising for ourselves, but if you can please support Papercut through this YouCaring link.



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