Erotica. Sometimes that word feels super loaded. Like it thinks it’s BETTER than pornography. But it’s not, really. And it doesn’t think that. It’s just different. Maybe a little more ‘arty.’ Possibly less visual, though not necessarily. Here at QZAP we’ve got a good mix of both porn zines and erotica zines. While it’s sometimes hard to know the difference, we think that these two zines lean more toward erotica.
First, there’s IQ: The Sex-zine for Girls who like Girls who wear Glasses. It’s more of a traditional zine of it’s era in that aesthetically it’s of a cut-and-paste / clip art / rando shit visual style. The content is sexy and funny and as the title suggests, aimed at a certain demographic.
The next zine that we added this week is Inciting Desire #2. This is further along on the artsy-fartsy erotica spectrum. The production values are much higher with some slick 1992-era desktop publishing layouts, deliberate typography, and artful black and white photos.
Finally, we also added Gawk #6 from the good folks who brought us Diseased Pariah News. This is NOT erotica, but it is the comics issue. There’s a delightful multi-page spread of Gay World: 3025, the continuing adventures of Captain Condom, and as with the other two, a page of zine reviews amongst other great comics panels.
On a completely different topic, we’ve been playing around with Instagram, so if that’s your jam you can follow us at @queerzines. We’ve got it set up to post to our Facebook page and Twitter feed, too. Isn’t technology neat?