Going Homo

{queerzine n. a sexy, subversive and explicit publication devoted to enlarging and examining our culture assumptions}

There’s something about zines from the 1990s… they’ve often got common elements that make them instantly recognizeable as being from their time.  It’s an aesthetic, and a way of writing.  There’s a call to arms, a calling out of cops and governments and the military and anti-gay bigots.  There’s a calling in of other queers and zinesters. a “hey, find me, I’m stuck in this shite town and need to connect” vibe… (though this is not at all limited to time – it’s kind of part of zinester DNA.)  There are zine reviews, and lists without being listicles, bands listened to, and shows attended.  Pop culture drips from the pages, fuelled by cut-and-paste in a pre-WWW, pre-Photoshop world.
Lately we’ve been scanning a bunch of zines from the Emma Center collection which have this vibe.  They’re very much of their time, and also rediculously fun and important.  Going Homo #2 is a fine example.  It’s got all of the above and more.

Anarchy in the UK

Recently we added four issues of the Lesbian and Gay Freedom Movement newsletter to the archive.  These issues span from 1991-1995 (#5, #6, #8, and #10) and cover a bunch of topics ranging from anarchy to pornography to BDSM and political prisoners.  With the AIDS crisis in full swing, and the closing of the baths and policing of sex happening in lots of places both from outside and from within queer communities, it’s very interesting to read about a push for sexual liberation in it’s various forms.

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