On Zine Production ValuesĀ 

Inciting Desire #2: The Safe Gender Issue. "Crying out in pleasure and pain not caring who or what hears"If youā€™re in any zine space long enough, you will eventually end up drawn into a conversation about what is and isnā€™t a zine. Personally, Iā€™m pretty firmly on team ā€œthe diversity of zines is something I love about them, and trying to draw firm boxes around concepts is not a great use of my one wild and precious life.ā€ I think itā€™s cool that zines can be something you make with a sharpie and a single sheet of paper, or something with much higher production value.

Itā€™s also really interesting to see what a high-production-value zine from decades past looks like: what the layout software of the era (or pre-compuer technologies) allowed for, and what the marks of sophistication and current style were.

Inciting Desire, from 1992, is one of those less-handmade-looking zines, probably laid out in Quark XPress, and with a lot of of-its-time highly condensed, hard-to-read fonts:

When I daydreaming of sex. Lately I've taken up with my hand, his body to watch my hand. I work full his limp cock. With my favorite big adrenaline rush into his shorts. This is the vagina & the elastic leg-hole of a novice, he circles my game. He gives all hand on her crotch, his tongue circling her nodding off. Sam does not seem pleased with the thrill of tongue. But it's just straight up and brazenly do the same, slurping with the rocking rhythm on the living room floor. Inside my body, my face becomes passive. Throwing caution to the wind, I unbuckle my tongue from his head. Slowly I rock my face of me, putting one come-slippery hand down to the feel of lips on my long thick stream. His jaw open wide sucking back up to my face. Green eyes that shine tension. Sam is down to her fussy easing in & out of awareness I begin again Quickly (well, quickly for people who are always covered with pink] under the light my hard cock rubs over her handful breasts. Black lacy bra over the purple-rimmed head, working the shaft with forefinger around the base at once into his mouth. I bend juices of his cock, which is her that evening. How Chris crosses the way in with a slow jerk. I move the focus of my sucking and cool between my ass. In other words, suburban, surprisingly cute nipples. She seems to abandon this & shine with intelligence even when he's me. He looks me in the eye while doing. Despite her jealousy of me. Sensing what's about to come: her. So she springs up. pulling Chris' lips. It looks like

Itā€™s on the higher-concept end of things too, opening with quotations from bell hooks and Judith Butler. A past QZAP post mentioned Inciting Desire in the context of distinguishing between porn and erotic, with Inciting Desire pretty firmly on the erotica end of the spectrum.Ā Iā€™m not trying to insult it or damn it with faint praise, either. Thereā€™s some pretty hot stuff in here!

In a call for submissions in this issue, they call for:

ā€œsubmissions depicting people from the whole range of ethnicities, sizes, genders + ages; all practices you or someone might consider erotic; works explicit or cryptic; sensual, confessional or theoretical; political, hedonistic, or both; and feminist (you decide what that means). Peoples’ pleasures take many different forms; we want to show/describe/deconstruct/reconstruct/celebrate them. Send us your best, your baddest + your wettestā€

Safe Gender editorial, from Inciting Desire #2ā€œTittie City Sandwichā€, an excerpt from the novel Trashed, by Connie Mulqueen, is about a threesome in the bathroom of a dyke club where, ā€œbecause there were so many girls packing the floor around them, they were close enough to cunt-fuck each other over the clothes so that it wasnā€™t obvious, though in that place they couldā€™ve stripped and done it, and nobody wouldā€™ve cared.ā€

ā€œBlack Ravineā€, by Wilton Woods, is a beautifully-written and troubling story about two boys, one prepubescent, one seemingly in his young teens, experimenting sexually in a forest. Inspiringly, there is even a piece of different-gender erotica, Ben Cheslukā€™s ā€œMadridā€.

Aside from fiction, thereā€™s also a moving memorial for Walter Blumoff, a radical faerie and photographer also known as Butterfly. As the zine notes, he died on April 26, 1991, and left over twenty thousand slides and negatives to the GLBT Historical Society.

Inciting Desire memorializes him as:

ā€œan adoptee left in hospital isolation for two weeks after his birth while they “processed” his adoption papers; a Jew; a boy-lover; a computer geek. He survived cancer in his early twenties. He was hard of hearing, had bad breath, bad teeth, bad credit, depression and low self-esteem. He did therapy all his life to try to heal himself. Where he couldn’t solve his problems internally, he unleashed a stream of litigation upon the world as a way of getting even. He didn’t pay his taxes for the same reason.ā€

The Photographs of Butterfly, from Inciting Desire #2The zine presents a number of his photos from that collection, with commentary situating them lovingly in his life and work.

At the back, thereā€™s a zine review section that includes some familiar titles like Anything that Moves, Cometbus (then at Issue #26, now at #59), Diseased Pariah News, Holy Titclamps, and Three Dollar Bill.

I havenā€™t been able to find out much else about Inciting Desire or its authors. We do know that Dennis Cooper once owned an issue of its first issue, which is held at NYU with the rest of his zine collection, which seems like a pretty solid badge of honour!

As someone who has made zines both with scissors and glue, and with up-to-date desktop publishing software, itā€™s cool to see how both of those techniques show marks of their era as the years pass. It makes me curious what will scream 2020s to the zine archivists of the future!

Lee P, interning at QZAP in summer 2024, is a long-time zine maker whose current project is Sheer Spite Press, a small press and zine distro. Originally from unceded Algonquin land, Lee calls TiohtiĆ :ke // Mooniyang // Montreal home. Lee is also a member of the organizing collective for Dickā€™s Lending Library, a community-run, local library of books by trans, non-binary, and Two-Spirit authors.


Erotica.Ā  Sometimes that word feels super loaded.Ā  Like it thinks it’s BETTER than pornography.Ā  But it’s not, really.Ā  And it doesn’t think that.Ā  It’s just different.Ā  Maybe a little more ‘arty.’Ā  Possibly less visual, though not necessarily.Ā  Here at QZAP we’ve got a good mix of both porn zines and erotica zines.Ā  While it’s sometimes hard to know the difference, we think that these two zines lean more toward erotica.

First, there’s IQ: The Sex-zine for Girls who like Girls who wear Glasses.Ā  It’s more of a traditional zine of it’s era in that aesthetically it’s of a cut-and-paste / clip art / rando shit visual style.Ā  The content is sexy and funny and as the title suggests, aimed at a certain demographic.

The next zine that we added this week is Inciting Desire #2.Ā  This is further along on the artsy-fartsy erotica spectrum. The production values are much higher with some slick 1992-era desktop publishing layouts, deliberate typography, and artful black and white photos.

Finally, we also added Gawk #6 from the good folks who brought us Diseased Pariah News.Ā  This is NOT erotica, but it is the comics issue.Ā  There’s a delightful multi-page spread of Gay World: 3025, the continuing adventures of Captain Condom, and as with the other two, a page of zine reviews amongst other great comics panels.

On a completely different topic, we’ve been playing around with Instagram, so if that’s your jam you can follow us at @queerzines.Ā  We’ve got it set up to post to our Facebook page and Twitter feed, too.Ā  Isn’t technology neat?

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