Itā€™s on LiebigstraƟe 34

liebig34 berlinWow! It’s been almost a year since we’ve posted anything to the blog. And what a fucking year. As we’re still in the midst of a global pandemic, we’re not doing a whole lot these days. At least, not in person. Luckily, online events are a thing right now, and we’re super happy to participate in them.

Coming up next week, we’re co-sponsoring a film screening at the Northwest Film Forum of Itā€™s on LiebigstraƟe 34.Ā  The screening will include 3 films about the (in)famous feminist-queer squat LiebigstraƟe 34 in Berlin, Germany and how it was forcibly closed last autumn.

The screening is sliding scale from $0ā€“$25 and will include a Q/A with the film-makers. The links above and below have info on how to get tickets.

Itā€™s on LiebigstraƟe 34
Feb. 13 at 10am PST / 7pm CET
Northwest Film Forum (online)

Incidentially, we were asked to co-sponsor this by our long-time friend Elliat, who made the amazing doc Travel Queeries, which you can see here.

Queer Love Stories

QLS GRN blgIt seems like a lifetime ago, but it has really only been about two months since we partnered with our friends at the Milwaukee Zine Fest and The Milwaukee Rep to produce a zine from their Queer Love Stories event.Ā  Just as things were ramping up here with the COVID-19 preperations and prior to the Safer At Home orders, we got copies of the community made QLS zine from our local.Ā  That was three weeks ago (it’s 13 April, 2020, a Monday, as we post this.) Since the production of this was funded through the partnership and our initial intent was to make them available during the Milwaukee Zine Fest, we thought we’d do that minus the fest.

If you would like a copy, all you have to do is send us 3 First Class U.S. stamps.

Queer Love Stories c/o QZAP
2935 N. Fratney Street
Milwaukee, WI 53212

Please be sure to include your name and address.

If you are not in the U.S. and would like a copy, please contact us.

Please take care of each other.



Get QZAP Swag!!