In Visible Archives – A QZAP x Lion’s Tooth event

Photo of Margaret Galvan On Saturday, May 18th, 2024, we are beyond thrilled to be collaborating with our friends at Lion’s Tooth here in Milwaukee to bring Margaret Galvan, a 2017 QZAP scholar-in-resident, back to Milwaukee to talk about her new book In Visible Archives: Queer and Feminist Visual Culture in the 1980s.

In Visible Archives book coverMargaret’s book focuses on eight visual artists who created grassroots visual artwork in the 1980s that thought deeply about sexuality and communities of social justice, featuring discussion of comics, proto-zines, grassroots newspapers, drawings, photographs, etc. She will be sharing excerpts and discussing the impact of these artists within the context of the Feminist Sex Wars, the queering of the underground comics scene, the dissemination of Dykes to Watch Out For, and of bearing witness to the first decade of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

The talk will be free and open to the public at Lion’s Tooth, and signed copies of the book will be available for purchase.

Lion's Tooth logoDeets:
Saturday, May 18th, 2024
5:30 pm
Lion’s Tooth
2421 S Kinnickinnic Ave,
Milwaukee WI 53207

Boy Crazy Boy

It’s been a hot minute since we’ve been able to catch our breath and post a Queer Zine of The Day.  Lots has been going on with us. Chris went to the Lexington Zine Fest in September to do a presentation.  Milo is getting geared up for the Olympia Zine Fest next week where ze is participating on a panel.  We’ve also been busy with the planning of the Milwaukee Zine Fest, of which we’re part of the organizng committee.  That weekend, November 14, we’ll also be hosting our last zinester-in-residence for the season.  Last year’s Z-i-R program created the awesome “From the Punked Out Files of the Queer Zine Archive Project,” and we’re super excited to publish the work from this year’s residents.  Expect that to come out sometime at the beginning of 2016.

Moving on to the QZOTD, we are happy to present Sina Sparrow’s Boy Crazy Boy #1.  Sina has been a long-time QZAP pal and is an amazing and active comic artist.  In BCB #1 we can see the beginnings of his sweet style, and are treated to some delicious early 1990s pop humor.

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