Riot Donā€™t Diet!

Radical Cheerleaders of Santa CruzLiving in this cissexist, patriarchal, queer-hating world can sometimes make a queer want to yell. And, hey, if youā€™re gonna yell, why not yell in rhythm? For all your queer chanting needs, turn to the Radical Cheerleaders of Santa Cruz Cheerbook. This peppy zine has something for every queer guy, gal, and nonbinary pal, including the rallying ā€œRiot Donā€™t Dietā€, a Coming Out Day cheer, hair, body and sex positivity cheers, radical socioeconomic battle cries, and so much more. Want something to psyche yourself up before you masturbate? Itā€™s in here. Want to say, ā€œfuck youā€ to the man? Youā€™ll find no more effective phrasing anywhere. Want to affirm your kinky lifestyle? Oh yeah, baby, you better believe thereā€™s a cheer for that. In fact, if you search, youā€™re bound to find a cheer about almost any social issue a queer could think of. The Radical Cheerleaderā€™s Cheerbook is an essential tool for the budding radical queer. So rah, rah, sis boom bah, read this zine and burn your bra!

Dac Cederberg is a summer intern here at QZAP. Heā€™ll be reading and reviewing zines on the blog through August.
Dac recently graduated from the University of Montana with a degree in English Literature and Creative Writing. Heā€™s a cisgender gay man, he/him pronouns, from Missoula Montana. His alter ego is drag-queen bombshell Lady Dee. He doesnā€™t quite know what he wants to do with his life yet, but he loves reading, writing, TV, pop culture, and all things queer. Heā€™s a Gemini and his favorite color is purple. Feel free to contact Dac through QZAP with any questions or comments.


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