Here's this nice guy. He likes to wear skirts and dresses and women's clothes. It's not kinky for him… not really. He identifies as a transvestite, one of least talked about *** when we talk about Trans* folk. In his zine Blue Floral Gusset he talks about it. About wearing skirts full time, and how the world reacts. Also, this guy… he like heavy metal, and Doctor Who and hanging with his housemates, as you shall see if you read through…
Sometimes Monday is nice and easy, and sometimes it's rough and tumble. This particular Monday is more the latter. It calls for an extra shot of espresso, some queercore turned up real loud to drown out the traffic, and maybe that special scent of permanent markers tagging the bathroom stall, telling the world that indeed, we are 2QT2BSTR8. As a distraction, and following with the theme of the day, let's all share in the delight that is 1991's QT#1 by the QT Collective.
I'm here drinking my morning coffee and an article pops up in my news feed about another trans kid who was bullied to death. This needs to stop. Seriously, adults in these kids lives, if you can't protect them, if you can't keep them safe then at the very least you're negligent and in all probability you're responsible for their murder. I'm not the first to say it, either. Here's this… it came to QZAP as a flyer, but is probably from an uncredited zine*. Please print this and share it like crazy. We need to stop this epidemic of queer and trans murders, whether by their own hands or someone elses.
* If anyone knows where this originally came from or who the creator is, please let us know so we can credit it properly and update the archive record.
The X in Comix
This week/end is pretty busy for us at QZAP. Chris is currently in NYC at the Queers and Comics conference, hobnobbing with queer zine comics bigwigs like Rachael House (Red Hanky Panky), Anonymous Boy (Anonymous Boy), and Elvis Bakaitis (Homos In Herstory) among others. The four of them will be on a panel on Friday talking about QZAP and our residency project. Meanwhile, back in the midwest Milo and Shannon will be in Chicago at the Chicago Zine Fest on Saturday, selling zines and t-shirts and generally being adorkable. If you're in or near Chicago stop by and say "Hello"
Because of Chris' participation at Queers and Comics our zine of the day (#QZOTD – let's make this happen) is Milky Boots #9. It's a sweet and amusing diary comic. While we've got a number of comics, comix, and illustrated zines in the archive, there's something about a diary comic that's endearing. See, we're not always punk rawk and safety pins through the nipples. We have a sensitive side, too… Anyway, on with the #QZOTD:
Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby
Spinderella cut it up one time…
Seriously, though, let's talk about sex. Here at QZAP we're often talking about it in it's myriad permutations. While we're about as sex-positive as it comes, there's one thing that we just can't hang with. That's this whole "abstinence-only" crap that's been pushed on our young folks, both queer and straight. It's dangerous in that NOT talking about sex leads to higher rates of STIs and HIV infection, unplanned pregnancies and contributes to and exacerbates both shitty patriarchy and rape culture. So we say, FUCK. THAT. NOISE.
Among the many zines that we have in the archive that talk about sex and safer sex is Queersafe #1. Queersafe is mainly focused on the prevention of transmission of STIs, but also very simply and concisely answers questions about queer and trans* identies, how to use condoms and dams as barriers, discusses consent, and has a great page and illustration about masturbation. So let's get it on!
Lest We Forget…
There was a time when gays and lesbians stood up to opression for themselves and others. When their only goal wasn't to be assimilated into a patriarchal capitalist system that allows them to pass instead of creating real change. Out Of The Closets and Into The Libraries encapsulates histories of queer social movements where we fought back, not only for queer rights, but for society as a whole. Note: the zine in the archive is presented as flats, so please feel free to download the PDF and make copies for your friends, family, and church youth group.
Know Womyn’s Land
In light of the fact that the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival organizers have announced that this will be the last year that the fest is held, we thought it would be appropriate to highlight U.S. Kweer Corps #10, where Hank urges us to look forward, and to make our own inclusive and critical festivals and spaces.
Paris Was Burning
At one time Paris Is Burning was the hottest film around. A document to ballroom culture, POC communities, drag and community building, and of course Vouging. At around the same time that came out, so too did P-Form #23. In fact, this hot zine has a review of the film from when it was first in theaters. It's also got other reviews, stories, interviews and articles to entertain and educate.
Switch Hitters Unite!
20 year-old queer zine declares "I'm A Winner!"
Seriously, though, Cupsize #3 has something for everyone. Bisexuality. Music Reviews. Zine reviews. Odds and ends that exemplify what it was to be a uni student in the mid-1990s. Heck, it's even got a Mad Lib!
Our Library Crushes
In honor of National Library Workers Day let's all give shout-outs and hugs to all the amazing library workers that we know. Here at QZAP we're all about Our Library Crushes.